
Starting August 2019 I have been pursuing a one year certificate in the culinary arts from the Institute of Culinary Education in lower Manhattan NYC. My studies at the Rhode Island School of Design during 2018-19 heavily focused on food and nutrition and their relationship to public health with a focus on the influence of advertising on food consumption. These artistic pursuits brought me to the conclusion that I wanted to study food and health more in depth. I applied to culinary school to work in the field and learn as much as I could with a focus on practical and hands on learning.

Following my graduation from culinary school in may 2020, my goal is to continue my education in the political, nutritional and social realms of food, studying social relationships with food, eating disorder studies, public health and broad spectrum nutrition. My idea in the long run is to found an organization that promotes healthful and positive relationships with food in children and young adults, educating them about how to take care of their bodies, minds, and social relationships.