Art at RISD

Artist Statement 2018

My work is about time and change. I make time based sculpture with non-traditional materials. In my work I explore sugar and other easily changed materials as a stand in for myself as I change and explore the artistic growth process. I represent the exploration of making art through my use of material to illustrate the emotions and changes I experience throughout. It is important to me to always have a sense of experimentation when making because it has pushed me the furthest and has made me evolve and think the most as I grow and change. I use sugar as a material because it it versatile, non-traditional and multi-sensory. It is important for my viewers to interact with my art in a new way and to have a sense of wonder and play which reflects my experiences throughout my life. For my non interactive works the important aspects are subtle movements contrasting with dramatic changes. This displays all of the different phases of making ephemeral art such as the moment of waiting for a material to cure or heat, the anxiety of installation with the uncertainty of the work’s survival, and the critical moments when the work comes to a climax. The crux is often what leads to the ultimate heartbreak of the work being destroyed, in most cases by that which enables its full potential.


This is an interactive sculpture piece made from sugar. In this piece the viewer interacts with the fountain by pouring water over the sculpture, both bringing the piece to life and destroying it simultaneously. 


This piece is all about the moment of suspension and tension between the ceramic plate and the pedestal. I was exploring site specific sculpture and installation, and that moment that holds a specific space of time in its body.


This piece was an experimental exploration in my medium. I explore change and the effects of heat on sugar. 


This piece is time based progress piece exploring humidity in the air, and how it breaks down the sugar over time. 


Image 1/3: Melt plays with the captivating of the audience as they see the piece slowly melting from the candles balanced under the sugar plate. The slow movement paired with the electricity and excitement of the piece create an interesting play that I love exploring. 


Image 2/3: Melt plays with the captivating of the audience as they see the piece slowly melting from the candles balanced under the sugar plate. The slow movement paired with the electricity and excitement of the piece create an interesting play that I love exploring. 


Image 3/3: Melt plays with the captivating of the audience as they see the piece slowly melting from the candles balanced under the sugar plate. The slow movement paired with the electricity and excitement of the piece create an interesting play that I love exploring. 


This piece was truly the catalyst that pushed me to my ultimate thesis statement: the moment of curiosity and mystery held in a piece of art and how it can contain and captivate a moment of excitement. 


This piece is a larger iteration of heat but it explores the sight aspect much more, playing with the light distortion. This piece also explores large scale artwork with such a fragile medium.